Sunday, December 30, 2012


Ethan Charles Holt
October 15, 2012 at 6:53pm!
6lbs 9.4oz, 20 inches long
About a week in a half after my due date, on October 14th, Sean and I went to the hospital to get my cervix ripened. In the hopes that my body will go into labor. However, the nurses had to stop the ripening because Ethan's heart rate wasn't regular.
At 7am on October 15th I was given pitocin to help me go into labor. Almost instantly I went into labor but after hours of labor I wasn't progressing. At about 4pm they broke my water but found meconium in the fluid which scared everyone. About an hour later (I was 3cm dilated) I got an epidural, in hopes that it will help me dilate more (which it didn't). At about 6pm I was getting prepared for a c-section because Ethan's heart rate was dropping after each contraction, I wasn't dilating, and meconium was found in the amniotic fluid. The surgery took about an hour and Ethan was born!
It was absolutely amazing hearing Ethan's cry for the first time. It was at that moment that I felt like a mom. I can't believe how much love I felt holding him for the first time. I am truly blessed to have an amazing baby and an even better husband, who is the greatest father. Sean is a natual father. I love seeing Sean's eyes light up everytime he sees Ethan. Sean makes Ethan smile all the time and it's so cute! Ethan loves spending time with his daddy especially when daddy is on the computer :)
Here are a few pictures of the labor and delivery:

On our way to the hospital on October 14th!

Sean was by my side the whole time. Best husband ever!

First family photo!

6lbs 9.4 oz, 20 inches long

First Mommy and Son photo!

First Daddy and Son photo!

Grandmom and Ethan

JiJi and Ethan

Ethan wasn't born on Halloween but I love that he was born in October and I love this sign that the hospital made!
 About a day after Ethan was born he was admitted to the NICU because of a possible infection in his lungs. They gave him antibiotics just in case there was an infection. After 48 hours of tests everything came up negative, which made me very happy because that meant Ethan could come home with Sean and I!
Here are some pictures of Ethan in the NICU:

I love when his tiny fingers holds my finger!

I love the way Ethan looks at his Daddy! It's pure love.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

41 Weeks!

Well I would definitely have to say that I didn't think I would be pregnant at 41 weeks. In my birthing class the instructor told us that the average first time mom naturally goes into labor at 41 weeks and 3 days. I kind of laughed because I didn't really think women were pregnant that long. I guess my baby boy wanted to prove me wrong!
41 Weeks Exactly!
So now the question is when will I have my beautiful baby boy? I went to the doctor's today (October 11) to have a NST (Non-Stress Test) and Ultrasound done. Everything looked great! The baby and I are very healthy. I'm dilated a centimeter in a half and have been for a few weeks now. During the ultrasound the tech estimated that my baby boy would be 7lbs and 14 ounces.  
The plan now is to wait out this weekend but if he doesn't come then I will go into the hospital Sunday night and be induced. I'm really hoping not to be induced but if it comes to that then I will take it. My main concern is my baby. As long as he is healthy and happy I'm ok with whatever happens.    

Thursday, September 27, 2012

One More Week!

Wow I can't believe that I only have one week left. Time is really flying by and our baby boy could come any day now. 

I have been feeling all sorts of emotions the last couple of weeks. I'm always asked my feelings towards having a baby and it's always a hard question to answer. Of course I'm happy but I'm also scared, nerves, sad, anxious, excited, etc. It's so hard just to be experiencing one emotion during this time. All I know is I'm definitely going to cry when I see my baby boy for the first time. I cry just thinking about it..hehe :)

Well here are a few pictures of me during the last month of my pregnancy! 
36 Weeks

38 Weeks

In the next month tons of family and friends are going to be coming to Utah. My Uncle Dickey comes September 27th, my cousin Kaysey comes October 3rd, my sister-in-law Megan comes October 18th, my brother-in-law Trent comes October 26th, my best friend Missy comes October 27th, and my sister Meghan comes November 1. I'm so excited to see everyone. It's going to be really sad when they all leave :(

My sister Shannon came last week September 18th to help me get ready for my baby boy, to help me with labor/delivery, and to help me with everything after birth (breastfeeding, recovery, baby cries, etc). I'm so blessed and excited for Shannon to be here especially since she brought he beautiful babies with her (Olivia, almost 3 years old, and Ryker, almost 6 months). I definitely feel loved! 
At the Salt Lake City Temple with Shannon and Ryker

Sunday, May 27, 2012

It's a BOY!!

We are thrilled to be expecting a handsome baby boy! 

I always thought I was having a boy until I got a hold of a Chinese Gender Chart that told me that I would have a girl. After finding that chart I didn't know what I was going to have. I guess I have learned that a mother's instinct is always right :)

The ultrasound experience was absolutely breathtaking. My heart was beating so fast waiting to find out what we were having but in the meantime, we could see him moving around, saw/heard his heart beating, and his cute legs and arms. He was very bashful about showing his face though but wasn't shy about letting us know he is a boy...haha! Since he didn't want to show his face we will be able to experience another ultrasound at the next appointment. I'm so happy to see my little monkey again.  

I am extremely happy to be surrounded by so much love. My parents, Angie (Sean's aunt), Samy (Sean's cousin), Sean's Grandmom, and Megan (Sean's sister) were able to be there to experience this precious time with us. My Grandmama and sister Shannon were able to be on the phone during the ultrasound which was amazing. Sean and I are truly blessed to have amazing families.  

Here is our little bundle of joy at 20 weeks. We don't know if he was truly sucking his thumb in this photo but I like to think so:

I'm 21 weeks now!!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Baby Holt

I truly can't believe that Sean and I are starting a family and bringing a beautiful baby girl or boy into this world. We are both very excited but also a little scared especially when that pregnancy test came out positive because that made everything so real...haha! 

Here is our little bundle of joy at 9 weeks almost 10 weeks:

I can't wait till May 21st, exactly 2 weeks and 5 days, when we find out if we are having a little princess or a handsome prince. I don't have a preference; only for this little sweetheart to be healthy and happy. Either way he or she is going to be spoiled! Not too much of course. Hopefully I can find out what "too much" is..haha!

It has been a very interesting experience trying to notice when I feel the baby move. The first time I noticed something was when I was exactly 14 weeks. I felt tiny bubbles in my lower abdomen and had a feeling like my stomach was growling but it was definitely no where near by stomach. He or she was having way too much fun swimming in my tummy..haha! :)

My pregnancy so far has been absolutely amazing. I haven't experienced any nausea or throwing up which makes me so very happy because I hate to throw up. My only struggles have been migraines and fatigue which have slowly gotten better. During the first few weeks I was having a hard time eating because I didn't crave anything and nothing smelt good. Even my favorite, broccoli, I had to stay away from. That has definitely changed now...thank goodness :) My new pregnancy feeling is stretching, which hasn't happen much but when it does it's a little annoying.

Here is me at 8 weeks. Definitely nothing showing yet:  

Here is me at 14 weeks. Migraines have gone down but still not really showing:

Big difference to me from 14 weeks. Here is me at 17 weeks. I felt a lot of stretching at this point:

Oh my heck my sister Shannon has been amazing to me and thank goodness she loves me because she let me barrow all of her maternity clothes. She just had a baby boy 3 weeks ago (Ryker James Hicks) and has a lot of maternity clothes that I can barrow. For weeks I have been unbuttoning my regular pants so my growing belly doesn't hurt as much and there has been MANY times I have caught my zipper down...haha! That's definitely not embarrassing right.
Now I have amazing maternity jeans that make me feel like I'm wearing sweat pants. Oh how I'm loving my growing belly now!    

I'm 18 weeks!