Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I Can't Believe It!

Yesterday, August 24, 2009, Sean and I celebrated our 11th month. Well actually I forgot till late that night when my amazing boyfriend who helps me remember everything said to me Happy Anniversary. At first I thought he was playing a joke on me like he always does but then I remembered what date it was and I hugged him so tight. It's funny cuz for the past several months I have always been the one to remember that it was our anniversary and actually a couple of days ago I bragged to him that I have remembered for the past several months, until now. =) He definitely showed me up by remembering this time. =)

Next month will be a YEAR!! The longest relationship we both have ever had! Exciting!

It has been amazing spending these 11 months with Sean and i hope i have the oppunity to spend many more. I love him so much! I can't imagine me with any other person than Sean. He treats me like a princess and he never lets a day go by not telling me that he loves me. I love talking to him about everything and anything. He is so smart and has an answer for everything and if he doesn't he will make sure that he finds the answer and tells you. He is selfless and caring towards everyone. He does have his moments of selfishness like everyone but he over comes it through my help and the light of christ that's in each of us. With every smile and hug Sean gives me I feel my love for him grow. He loves the Lord and wants to serve him to the best of his ability. I love you Sean!